Sunday, January 30, 2011

Library Day in the Life: January 30

It's been a productive day of working from home. I read and sent a lot of work email, and queried colleagues on Facebook for a little help on a project. It's been nice to make progress on some projects and chip away at various tasks. There's still plenty more to do, but I definitely picked up some momentum this weekend. My to do list did not really shrink, but I'm definitely in a better position to cross some items off that list in the next couple of weeks.

Today is the last day of the Library Day in the Life project round 6. I had a really great week documenting my activities for others to read, see, and hear. I've also enjoyed the tweets, blogs, and video posts from others. Even when it seemed like people had similar positions or similar types of days, each one was really very unique. I learned a lot from documenting the experience and reading about others' experience. I still have quite a few entries to read, but I'm getting there.

Thanks so much for reading this week. I hope you'll continue reading. I already have some ideas for future entries. Plus you never know what else might come up.

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